Effective planning and execution of large projects play a key role in creating value and determining the company's future financial results. The company strives to achieve a high level of maturity in project management in accordance with the best international standards and practices using the Stage Gate Process.
The decision-making model specifies the distribution of powers between the investment committee and the main business areas. All projects are subject to internal expertise and a comprehensive feasibility study. Implementation control and monitoring are carried out in a centralized information system.
A modern methodological framework has been introduced, and a process of centralized and continuous improvement of the competencies of project personnel has been established.
TCO Future Growth Project / Wellhead Pressure Management Project (FGP-WPMP) Project
Construction of a gas chemical complex in the Atyrau region Project
Kashagan Growth Projects Project
Construction of a Seawater Desalination Plant in Kenderli Project
Improving operational efficiency at Ozenmunaigas JSC (RLG) Project
Abai Project Project
Introduction of Lean 6 Sigma program in the Oil and Gas Production business line Project
Introduction of the «Bank of Ideas» platform Project