The Development Strategy of JSC NC KazMunayGas for 2022-2031 was approved by the Board of Directors of the Company in November 2021.
One of the key priorities of the Company's Strategy remains the integration of sustainable development principles into key business processes, as the Company is aware of the importance of its impact on the economy, the environment, and society. For the next ten years, the Company's growth will be ensured by increasing the resource base, the efficiency of current production, lengthening the value chain, introducing modern technologies, and reducing the carbon footprint.
We develop natural resources effectively and rationally to ensure energy safety, development, and prosperity of Kazakhstan with care for future generations.
A national vertically integrated oil and gas company that meets high safety standards and principles of sustainable development, aimed at maximization of financial results.
Strategic goals
Sufficient resource base to ensure the Company’s growth.
Improving the Company's value chain efficiency.
Business diversification and product portfolio expansion.
Sustainability and progressive reduction of the carbon intensity of production.