Sustainable development
KMG grasps the importance of its influence on the economy, ecology and society. Seeking to grow long-term value, the company ensures sustainable development while respecting the interests of stakeholders.
Key indicators for 2023
80.4Water intake,
mln m3 -
7.44СО2 emissions,
mln tonnes
716.6Energy saving, thous. GJ
98.9Associated petroleum gas utilisation, %
120Oil spills, tonnes
27.65Social assistance to employees, bln tenge
4.5Employee turnover, %
19Female to male ratio, %

Our approach to sustainable development
Sustainable development and progressive reduction of carbon intensity of production is one of the four strategic goals of KMG

Our approach to managing aspects of sustainable development is based on the implementation of 10 principles of sustainable development.

The UN Sustainable Development Goals
In 2020, SDGs started to be integrated with Company business processes. Business units arranged 17 goals by categories, defined 10 priority SDGs, where the Company can make its contribution

Ensure healthy lifestyle and facilitate well-being for everyone in any age

Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

Provide public access to cost-efficient, reliable, sustainable and modern sources of energy for everyone

Facilitate progressive, comprehensive and sustainable economic growth, complete and productive employment and decent work for everybody

Create a stable infrastructure, promote comprehensive and persistent income industrialization and innovation

Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

Take urgent measures to fight climate change and its consequences

Protect and restore shore ecosystems, promote their efficient use, efficient use of forest, fight desertisation, stop and reverse the loss of biodiversity

Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development

The UN Global Compact
Since 2006, KMG has been a member and active participant in the UN Global Compact and supports its commitment to the ten principles and 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals

We seek to ensure a high level of openness and transparency of our activities by implementing the principle of active dialogue with stakeholder
KMG's activities within the framework of ESG principles
We intend to focus on a moderate, balanced, and consistent decarbonization of our operations and have adopted a Low Carbon Development Program until 2060