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The Internal Audit Service is a single centralised body of KMG which reports directly to the Board of Directors.

The Service monitors economical and financial activities of KMG and other KMG Group Organizations, conducts internal control and risk management evaluations, monitors compliance with corporate management documents and provides consultations to improve the performance of KMG and KMG Group.

The main objective of the Service is to provide independent and unbiased information to the KMG Board of Directors for efficient management of KMG and KMG Group by introducing a consistent approach to improvement of risk management processes, internal control and corporate management.

Based on the results of the regular external independent assessment of the Service’s activities conducted in 2020 by KPMG LLP, KMG showed 100% compliance with the Code of Ethics, the Internal Audit Definition of the Institute of Internal Auditors and the requirements of the International Internal Audit Standards. The high level of professionalism and maturity of the Service's audit team and the rather high automation of internal audit processes were also noted.

Belozerova Svetlana
Head of the Internal Audit Service
Contact details

Each KMG employee or any third party has the right to inform KMG in case of any doubts about the legality of the actions of any employee, contractor or other persons whose activities are related to KMG.

This information may be shared through the independent ethics and anti-fraud hotline:

For confidential information: 8 800 080 47 47

Address: 8 Kunayev Street, Block «B», Astana, 010000, Republic of Kazakhstan

Tel.: +7 (7172) 78 91 00
