Water Production and Transportation Department LLP announces a tender for the selection of an audit organization to audit the financial statements of Water Production and Transportation Department LLP for the period 2024-2026.
The amount allocated for the purchase of services of an audit organization is 28,169,000 tenge.
Contacts of the responsible person with whom potential participants have the right to meet in order to obtain information for the preparation of an official proposal for the provision of audit services (including a confidentiality agreement and a copy of the request for participation in the procedure for selecting an audit organization):
1. Chief Accountant of Water Production and Transportation Department LLP Ms. Chabikova A.D. contact information: work phone: +7 (72934) 92-705, e-mail: a.chabikova@udtv.kmg.kz
Conditions: copies of the request for participation in the procedure for selecting an audit organization are provided to potential suppliers after they sign a confidentiality agreement. Potential participants can obtain a confidentiality agreement from the above-mention person.
Official proposals for the provision of audit services from potential participants are accepted at the address: "Water Production and Transportation Department" LLP, Mangistau region, Zhanaozen city, Industrial zone, "Water Production and Transportation Department" LLP (postal code 130200) until November 04, 2024, "11" hours "00" minutes, or by e-mail: a.chabikova@udtv.kmg.kz
01Optimal and efficient expenditure of the procurement money;
02Openness and transparency of the procurement procedure in compliance with the rights and (or) legitimate interests of suppliers to trade secrets (before compiling tender results);
03Fair competition among potential suppliers, prevention of collusion between procurement participants;
04Responsibility of procurement participants;
05Providing potential suppliers with equal opportunities to participate in the procurement procedure, except as provided by this Law;
06Provision of support to domestic producers of goods, as well as domestic suppliers of works and services, unless it contradicts international treaties ratified by the Republic of Kazakhstan;
07Purchase of innovative and high-tech goods, works, and services;
08Prevention of corrupt practices;
09Respect for intellectual property rights of the purchased goods.
- - the possibility of establishing a priority for the purchase of goods only among the manufacturers of the Fund;
- - obligatory purchase of products of commodity manufacturers implementing projects under the Program on the promotion of the establishment of new industries through off-take contracting;
- - the requirement for contractors to purchase сonstruction and assembling operations (hereinafter referred to as CAO) of goods from commodity manufacturers of the purchased goods within the framework of CAO;
- - the customer’s obligation to include in the terms of the contract concluded with the domestic commodity manufacturer (including long-term contract) advance payments in the amount of at least 30% of the contract amount for the next 12 months of the contract;
- - exemption from providing tender security, contracts enforcement, and guarantee of the return of an advance payment for domestic producers;
- - setting the limit of the maximum amount of fines to be charged from the commodity producer following the terms of the procurement contract for late delivery or refusal to supply goods in contracts with purchased goods manufacturers;
- - settlement, including the final settlement, under the contract concluded with the commodity producer of the purchased goods is to be made within not more than 5 working days from the date of signing the goods delivery acts by the parties.