In order to demonstrate its clear and transparent operations to its stakeholders, JSC NC “KazMunayGas” describes the Company’s approach to sustainable development, social, economic and environmental responsibility on an annual basis. JSC NC “KazMunayGas” has been developing annual reports in the field of sustainable development activities since 2008, while since 2012, these reports have been published in accordance with the GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards (GRI Standards).
This report has been prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards: Core option. The Report contains consolidated data about KMG, its subsidiaries and associated companies for 2019 calendar year (hereinafter referred to as KMG, the Company, the Group).
The scope of the Report covers KMG’s subsidiaries and associated companies with fifty and more per cent of voting shares (interest) directly or indirectly owned or held in trust by KMG, as well as the legal entities whose activities KMG is entitled to control (the detailed scope of reports by sections is presented in Appendix 1 hereto).
The Company’s financial standing and production performance are presented based on the Company’s consolidated data with the organizational support of the Company’s relevant Business Units. This Report has been developed on the basis of KMG’s management and audited financial statements prepared in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards.
This Report has been compiled pursuant to the Global Reporting Initiative Sustainability Reporting Standards (GRI Standards, 2016) and the sector supplement for oil and gas companies called GRI G4 Oil and Gas Sector Disclosures.
In order to enable benchmarking and comparability of data by specific indicators, the information is presented in the form of multi-year trends.