Low-Carbon Development Programme
About the Programme
Today, the fight against climate change and the industry decarbonisation are firmly on the global political, investment and trade agenda. Carbon footprint reduction is the most important driver in the fight against global warming.
The sustainability and long-term decarbonisation is enshrined in the Paris Climate Agreement, which has a global target of maintaining the climate change at 1.5°C or below by 2100. And also the tightening of EU climate policy, which aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 55% versus 1990 by 2030. In pursuance of this policy, the European Union plans to introduce carbon border regulation mechanism for imported carbon-intensive products.
For its part, Kazakhstan supports the global agenda to step up the efforts and ambition towards achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement, and has committed to a voluntary contribution to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 15% by 2030 versus 1990.
Last November, the President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev spoke at a climate ambition summit where he declared Kazakhstan’s readiness to combat climate change and achieve carbon neutrality by 2060. A Carbon Neutrality Doctrine of the Republic of Kazakhstan by 2060 is being developed in pursuance of the goal stated by the Head of State.
On 13 October 2021, an International Conference on Ways to Achieve the Goals of the Paris Agreement and Carbon Neutrality of Kazakhstan with the participation of the Head of State Kassym-Jomart Tokayev was held in Nur-Sultan with the support of JSC NC “KazMunayGas”. The conference was also attended by high-ranking UN officials, international experts, representatives of the business community and civil society, financial institutions, development partners and the media. At the low-carbon exhibition, A. Aidarbayev, Chairman of the Management Board of JSC NC “KazMunayGas”, presented to Kassym-Jomart Tokayev the goals and ways of achieving carbon neutrality in our company.

In support of the state policy on low-carbon development of the country and in accordance with official instructions No. 47-r of Samruk-Kazyna JSC dated 24 May 2021 and No. 32-r dated 20 April 2021, JSC NC “KazMunayGas” developed 2022-2031 Low-Carbon Development Programme of JSC NC “KazMunayGas” (hereinafter, LCPD, the Programme), which was approved by the Board of Directors of the Company on 4 November 2021.
The Programme defines a unified low-carbon development framework of KMG and systematizes the Company’s carbon footprint reduction efforts.
The main goal is to determine KMG’s climate ambitions, systematise main approaches and measures to reduce the carbon footprint by analysing the existing potential, defining key development areas and enhancing the preparedness of the company.
Key Areas and Expectations
The Programme is structured with five key sections (carbon regulation analysis and key trends, KMG GHG emission inventory, scenario simulation, strategic areas of LCPD, implementation mechanism).
The introductory part of the Programme is focused on analysing the international, including primarily KMG’s main trading partners, and national climate regulations and their impact on the sustainability and continued competitiveness of the Company, which defined key prerequisites for KMG’s low-carbon development.
Detailed inventory of greenhouse gas emissions has been taken in order to analyse the current situation and establish a baseline for further development of the Programme.
Inventory was taken for direct (Scope 1) and indirect (Scope 2) emissions.
- Direct emissions are greenhouse gas emissions associated with combustion of hydrocarbon fuels and unavoidable volatile emissions from production processes at sources owned by KMG;
- indirect emissions associated with consumption of electricity, heat, hot water and steam supplied from third parties;
For the purposes of this programme, only CO2 is considered in direct emissions.
The year 2019 is defined as a baseline year, as it is closest to the typical operations of KMG Group, unlike 2018 affected by the economic crisis and 2020 influenced by the coronavirus pandemic.
Scenario simulation of KMG development was based on the data collected as a result of inventory taking. The model considered three scenarios: baseline scenario, green development scenario and low-carbon development scenario.
The model predicts that KMG SDEs will show different GHG emission trends up to 2030 under the Business as Usual scenario. The total increase in GHG emissions across all assets will be about 4% versus 2019. However, model projections do not include planned future oil and gas chemical projects due to limited data for analysis.
The green scenario assumes the reduction of GHG emissions while maintaining the current operating structure of assets through energy efficiency efforts, electrification, and use of renewable energy.
The low-carbon development scenario includes projects for active deployment of hydrogen production, carbon capture and storage, and active offset policy (development of climate projects) in addition to the above efforts. However, given the country’s current state of readiness for new technologies, low carbon prices, some gaps in permitting and legislation framework, poor infrastructure, etc., this would require large investments but would not have a significant effect on reducing the carbon footprint by 2031.
Based on the above, the green development scenario with a focus on energy efficiency and renewable energy has been selected as the most promising scenario until 2031.
At the same time, promising areas should be piloted in order to build up competencies and in-house potential for subsequent scaling up, should favourable conditions arise. The Programme has these measures allocated into a separate block “additional decarbonisation measures”.
Based on this analysis and KMG’s country policy and development projections, the achievable goal for the Company under the Green Development Scenario is to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 15% by 2031 versus 2019, or 1.6 mln tonnes of СО2. The figure illustrates the main measures that would allow to achieve the stated goal.

1.6 mln tonne reduction of СО2-e emissions will be achieved through active use of RES, which share in the energy mix should increase by 15% versus 2019 by 2031, and by improving the energy efficiency of KMG’s operational processes. KMG has analysed the existing and potential measures to identify the existing potential for energy efficiency. The measures are consolidated in a single register that allows a dynamic update of the decarbonisation programme in terms of investment, energy saving potential, GHG emission reduction and financial impact of implementation.
As part of the low-carbon development programme, KMG plans to implement RES projects with installed capacity of at least 300 MW (cumulatively by 2031), which are currently being negotiated with potential partners (including major international companies). KMG currently has a memorandum of understanding with Eni S.p.A., Italy’s largest oil and gas company, dated 26 July 2021, under which a number of joint projects for construction and commissioning of renewable energy facilities are planned to be implemented. https://www.kmg.kz/rus/press-centr/press-relizy/?cid=0&rid=862

In addition, the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Samruk-Kazyna JSC, JSC NC “KazMunayGas” and Total Eren S.A have signed a Memorandum of Understanding in 2021. The signed document is aimed at developing, financing, building and operating the hybrid power plants using wind energy in Kazakhstan, with a total capacity of about 1 GW. https://www.kmg.kz/rus/press-centr/press-relizy/?cid=0&rid=893

Apart from the above measures forming the basis of LCDP, KMG has developed additional decarbonisation measures that could be promising for the Company’s long-term low-carbon development strategy. These include:
- implementation of carbon capture and storage projects (CCS);
- hydrogen energy development;
- forest climate projects.
These projects could become new business areas for KMG in the long term, additionally contributing to reducing the Company’s carbon footprint. KMG has therefore begun piloting the above business areas in the current period. Pilot projects will build the Company’s potential and improve KMG’s competitiveness in the long term. KMG is already working to develop and implement a pilot project to capture, store carbon dioxide (CCUS) and determine the potential for CO2 injection to enhance oil recovery from depleted oil reservoirs, which in the medium-term until 2031 will allow to:
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions at KMG facility by capturing and reinjecting into depleted oil reservoirs or aquifers.
- Test the technologies (analyse the results to develop the legislative and permitting framework of the Republic of Kazakhstan for implementation of carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCUS) projects and their further scaling).
This includes the screening of CO2 emission sources in SDEs to identify potential sources, study and evaluate prospects for CO2 injection to enhance the oil recovery in depleted oil reservoirs, research and development followed by design, construction and commissioning of a pilot facility (taking into account the specifics of the selected location). The preliminary stage of screening at KMG’s assets is scheduled to be completed as early as 2023, allowing the first stage of the Project (Research and Design) to be implemented in 2024-2025.
To build up competence in this business area, in September 2021, JSC NC “KazMunayGas” and Shell Kazakhstan B.V. signed a Memorandum of Cooperation in development of carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS) technology. The Memorandum stipulates a joint study of the potential for implementing a pilot project of using CCUS technology to identify and develop basic criteria for carbon capture and utilisation. The document aims to strengthen a long-term mutually beneficial partnership between the parties, as well as to support Kazakhstan’s efforts to fulfil its commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions under the Paris Agreement. Pursuant to the signed document, Shell’s technical experts intend to share the international experience in implementing similar CCUS projects.
Preparations are underway by KMG to develop hydrogen energy in Kazakhstan. As a result of this, it is planned to implement a pilot project on hydrogen mobility in Kazakhstan no later than 2023, which will test the technology and contribute to the legislative and permitting framework of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of hydrogen fuel.
In order to develop this business area, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed on 12 October 2021 with Air Liquide Munay Tech Gases LLP (a unit of Air Liquide), aimed at developing hydrogen initiatives in the transport sector.
This involves cooperation between the parties to build a hydrogen filling station (HFS) for hydrogen-powered vehicles. This technology will be introduced in Kazakhstan for the first time.
Air Liquide has expertise across the entire hydrogen supply chain, from production to storage, distribution and development of end-user applications. To date, the company has designed and installed more than 120 hydrogen filling stations around the world.

A Memorandum of Understanding was also signed on 29.10.2021 between JSC NC “KazMunayGas” and Linde Technology Company to implement promising hydrogen energy projects. The parties agreed to cooperate and jointly develop clean energy projects in Kazakhstan. The first stage of cooperation will explore the possibility of producing hydrogen and ammonia using natural gas as feedstock (‘blue’ hydrogen and ‘blue’ ammonia) and/or electrolysis water (‘green’ or ‘blue’ hydrogen and ‘green’ or ‘blue’ ammonia). Following a feasibility study and successful agreements, it is planned to implement a green hydrogen and green ammonia production project in Kazakhstan. https://www.kmg.kz/rus/press-centr/press-relizy/?cid=0&rid=897

KMG plans to implement projects based on natural solutions as part of LCDP. In particular, KMG has set a goal of developing forest climate projects with a total area of 2,000 ha. The company expects that the reforestation project should not only have a positive effect in combating carbon sequestration, but will also contribute to climate change adaptation measures.
KMG is currently planning to create a green area in Pavlodar, which will be located on the territory of the Pavlodar Forestry Institution. Today, the area is 7,533.0 hectares, including 4,532.0 hectares covered with forest. According to interstate standards for provision of the population with green planting, there should be 20 ha of forest per 1000 people living in the steppe zone (territory of Pavlodar Region).
Thus, the green area of Pavlodar with a population of more than 333 thousand people should be at least 6,670 ha. KMG plans to cover the existing deficit in the forest area with its project.
Climate Change. Greenhouse Gas Emissions
We make it our highest priority to minimise our impact on environment through compliance with environmental law, rational use of natural resources and continuous improvement of our environmental activities. Our priorities include careful and rational use of natural resources, minimisation of environmental risks. Target Programmes are intended to reduce raw gas flaring, develop green energy based on renewable energy resources and increase general energy efficiency.
KMG at the level of the corporate centre manages subsidiaries and dependent entities with regard to greenhouse gas and pollutant atmospheric emissions, monitors timely obtaining of all permits for operations, such as emissions permit, greenhouse gas quota, raw gas flaring permit.
Atmospheric air impact minimisation programmes include raw gas development and processing programmes for production sector, oil refineries upgrade programme, application of the latest available technologies in construction of new transportation facilities, etc. Gradual implementation of these programmes will result in reduced pollutant and greenhouse gas emissions into the air, increased beneficial use of raw gas.
KMG Group has an Emissions Management Policy, which defines the main principles of atmosphere impact minimisation management:
- Operating in strict compliance with the law and other Company commitments;
- Observing the established pollutant emission standards and emission limits, greenhouse gas quotas;
- Clear allocation of functions and duties, increased competence, training and awareness;
- Regular accounting, inventory checks and monitoring of emissions;
- Stopping regular flaring of raw gas during raw hydrocarbon production;
- Activities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and carbon footprint;
- Management of carbon assets;
- Continuous improvement of emissions management activities.
We adhere to the national legislation, best international standards, provisions of the Company’s internal documents in the field of health and safety, environmental protection and other internal corporate documents, identify and assess environmental risks, ensure transparency and openness of our actions in the field of environmental protection.
We continue working on improvement of our production facilities’ operations to reduce atmospheric air impact. We take active part in improvement of regulatory framework of the country, hold meetings of Emissions Management Working Group, participate in climate change forums, conferences, enhance our knowledge and skills to improve our abilities in implementing the emissions reduction strategy.
KMG Long-Term Development Strategy defines the following climatic priorities:
- Managing the atmospheric greenhouse gas emissions;
- Reducing routine flaring of associated petroleum gas;
- Improving the emissions intensity rates per volume of production and increasing the energy efficiency;
- Reducing methane leakage;
- Increasing the funding of green projects.
The global trend to fight climate change is increasingly affecting companies around the world. KMG has approved a 2022-2031 Development Strategy that meets high safety standards and sustainable development principles. According to KMG’s Development Strategy, low-carbon development to reduce the carbon footprint is one of the Company’s main development areas.
In support of the government’s decarbonisation initiative, KMG has developed and approved its 2022-2031 Low-Carbon Development Programme, which aims to reduce its carbon footprint by 15% versus 2019. Climate change issues are monitored at the strategic level by the Board of Directors, Health, Safety, Environment and Sustainability Committee of KMG’s Board of Directors.
We aim to increase oil and natural gas production to meet the world’s growing demand for energy, which is why we focus on activities to minimise adverse impact our operations have on the environment through compliance with the environmental law, rational use of natural resources and continuous improvement of environmental activities.
We plan to set long-term targets for air emission reduction considering the changes in the external environment and requests from stakeholders.
Greenhouse Gas Emissions

In 2021, the Carbon Disclosure Project published the Climate Questionnaire for 2020, which includes data on the amount of direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions for all KMG assets, including subsidiaries in Romania and Georgia.
The calculation includes carbon dioxide (CO2 ), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O). Data on direct greenhouse gas emissions are confirmed by conclusions of independent accredited organizations for each subsidiary. Information for 2021 will be disclosed in the CDP report in Q3 2022. We adhere to the principle of consistency and comparability in our disclosures. We are continually working to improve the completeness of our disclosures and expand the reporting areas for Scope 3 indirect emissions.
Direct greenhouse gas (CO2 ) emissions for 2021 for the KMG Group were 6.9 million tonnes of CO2 (11.4 million tonnes of CO2 Eq.), slightly higher than the 2020 level.
Scope 1 Direct emissionsBy activity areas |
2019 |
2020 |
2021 |
Production |
mln tn CO2eq* |
3.8 |
4.1 |
4.3 |
Refining |
mln tn CO2eq* |
4.8 |
6.2 |
6.1 |
Transportation |
mln tn CO2eq* |
6.6 |
5.5 |
0.2 |
By country |
Kazakhstan |
mln tn CO2eq* |
14.2 |
14.9 |
9.9 |
Romania |
mln tn CO2eq* |
1.0 |
0.9 |
0.7 |
Georgia |
mln tn CO2eq* |
0.007 |
0.01 |
0.01 |
Emissions by greenhouse gas types |
СО2 |
mln tn CO2 |
9.7 |
8.7 |
6.9 |
CH4 |
mln tn CO2eq* |
5.5 |
6.6 |
3.2 |
N20 |
mln tn CO2eq* |
0.02 |
0.5 |
0.5 |
Scope 2 Indirect Emissions |
mln tn CO2eq* |
3.4 |
3.5 |
Information to be disclosed in Q3 2022 in CDP climate questionnaire https://www.kmg.kz/rus/investoram/reporting-and-financial-result/ |
Scope 3 Production of purched materials |
mln tn CO2eq* |
71.7 |
61.3 |
The CO2 emission rate was 102 tonnes per 1,000 tonnes of hydrocarbons produced, which is 10 percent below the industry average of 113 from the International Association of Oil and Gas Producers (IOGP).


The increase in the intensity of greenhouse gas emissions is associated with a change in approaches to calculating greenhouse gas emissions.
In its activities, the Company does not emit ozonedepleting substances that affect climate change. Periodic control and monitoring are carried out. Climate change issues require identifying risks and taking measures to reduce the burden on the environment.
The corporate risk management system is a key component of the corporate governance system and is aimed at timely identification, assessment, monitoring and mitigation of potential risk events that could adversely affect the achievement of strategic and operational objectives. The Company takes into account the risks associated with climate change and strives to contribute to a sustainable future with the maximum possible reduction of environmental impact and greenhouse gas emissions at all stages of its operations. The corporate risk register has been expanded with a new climate change risk. We report quarterly to the Board of Directors on HSE risks.
Risks related to climate change
Risks related to low-carbon economy transition |
Political and regulatory risks (e.g., introduction of carbon price fixing/increasing mechanisms to reduce greenhouse gas emissions; the country’s transition to quota allocation by using only specific emission factors, resulting in some companies having shortage of quotas; reducing power consumption to reduce emissions; making energy-efficient decisions; reinforcing water use efficiency enhancement measures and promoting more sustainable land use methods). |
Market risk (risk of change in supply and demand for certain climate-related goods, products and services). |
Technological risk (development and use of new technologies such as RES, energy efficient technologies, BATs, carbon capture and storage technologies and other decarbonisation technologies). |
Reputational risks associated with stakeholders changing a perception of the Company in terms of its contribution to transition to low-carbon economy or avoiding such transition. |
Risks related to physical climate change impact |
Short-term risks caused by extreme weather events such as cyclones, hurricanes, floods. |
Systematic (chronic) risks caused by long-term climatic model changes (e.g., long periods of abnormally high temperatures, raising sea level and waterlogging of onshore wells). |
Energy Efficiency Improvement and Energy Saving
Use of Energy Resources and Improvement of Energy Efficiency
KMG continues its energy saving and energy efficiency improvement programme across KMG Group. KMG’s Corporate Centre collects and analyses energy consumption and energy efficiency data, monitors the progress and identifies areas for improvement, performs a benchmarking against the previous period and the performance of peers (IOGP).
The Company’s activities in the field of energy saving and energy efficiency are based on the methods of ISO 50001 Energy Management Systems, which are the best generally recognised international practices for system management in this area.
Energy Consumption
A total of 118.0 mln GJ3 of fuel and energy resources was consumed in 2021 (1% more than in 2020), including 12.8 mln GJ of electricity, 4.3 mln GJ of heat, 1.2 mln GJ of motor fuel and 99.7 mln GJ of boiler and furnace fuel (with natural gas accounting for 24% and APG for 24% of total energy consumption). The energy consumption is distributed among three business areas: Upstream, Midstream and Downstream.
In 2021, own generated energy across KMG Group amounted to 466.8 mln kW of electricity and 3,985 thousand Gcal of heat.
The application of innovative technologies and use of RES is a relatively new but nevertheless promising area in the oil and gas industry.
In 2021, in accordance with the RES Support Tariff Setting Rules, Atyrau Refinery and MMG purchased electricity in the amount of 7,264 thous. kW for own needs, produced by renewable energy facilities from Financial Settlement Centre for Support to Renewable Energy Sources LLP. Electricity generated by PKOP solar panels for street lighting in the territory in 2021 was 47,000 kWh.
Energy Consumption Outside the Organisation
We are currently keeping records of energy consumption only within the organisation, so the report does not cover the energy consumption outside the organisation.

Reduction of Energy Consumption
The main strategic areas of energy saving and energy efficiency development in KMG Group are upgrading of process equipment, introducing energy saving technologies, optimising heating energy generation and consumption as well as developing own generation sources, including those using APG.
49 energy saving and energy efficiency measures were implemented in 2021, the planned annual saving of fuel and energy resources amounted to 0.34 mln GJ, in physical terms – 5.3 mln kWh of electricity and 8,107 thous. m3 of natural gas.
Energy Intensity
In 2021, KMG Group’s average specific energy consumption for hydrocarbons production was 2.4 GJ per tonne of produced HCs, which is still 58% higher than the figure of the International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (IOGP), which in 2020 was 1.4 GJ per tonne of produced hydrocarbons. The increase in specific energy consumption in oil production is primarily due to the increasing water cut in mature fields, as the specific density of produced liquid increases just as the energy required for mechanical methods of production.
RESs introduced at KTG have been effectively operating, with the total volume of renewable energy generated (produced) in 2021 by KTG Group broken down by source:
- Geothermal (heat) energy generated by heating pumps in 2021 – 678.54 Gcal. Waterkotte geothermal heat pumps for heating and domestic hot water (DHW) are in operation at Intergas Central Asia JSC.
- Electricity generated by KTG’s solar panels in 2021 amounted to 109,068 kWh.
- Electricity generated by solar panels for lighting the area of the Engineering Centre of ICA JSC – 7,776 kWh.
- Electricity generated by solar panels installed at the pig launchers of Terenuzyak and Zhosaly AGDS gas pipeline branches of Kyzylorda MGPD – 5,092 kWh.
- Electricity generated by solar panels installed at valve stations in the linear segment of the Kazakhstan-China Trunk Gas Pipeline – 96,200 kWh.
Electricity generated by PKOP solar panels for street lighting in the territory in 2021 was 47,000 kWh.