KMG Sustainability Report (hereinafter – the Report) highlights the company’s approach to sustainable development, social, economic and environmental responsibilities, as well as key events and indicators for reporting period.
The Report is a corporate governance tool for us and a significant component of stakeholder interaction. In order to achieve consistency of our sustainable development goals, we believe it is crucial to regularly report and provide stakeholders with comprehensive information on the aspects of activities significant for them and receive feedback on the Report.
JSC NC “KazMunayGas” prepares the reports on its activities in the field of corporate social responsibility every year since 2008, starting from 2012 it publishes reports in accordance with the GRI reporting framework.
The Report presents consolidated information on JSC NC “KazMunayGas” and its subsidiaries and affiliates (referred to in the Report as KMG, the Company, the Group of Companies) for the 2018 calendar year. The Report covers KMG subsidiaries and affiliates, in which fifty or more percent of the voting shares (interests) directly or indirectly belong to KMG on the right of ownership or trust management, as well as legal entities, whose activities are under the KMG control. When preparing this Report, the KMG’s management and audited consolidated financial statements prepared in accordance with the international financial reporting standards were used.
This Report is a short version of Sustainability Report which has been prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards (Core option) and by using the GRI G4 Oil and Gas Sector Disclosures.
The full version of the Report is available on our corporate website: link
The KMG Sustainability Report is approved by decision of the KMG Board of Directors and communicated to the stakeholders through publication on the corporate website and distribution of the printed version.
The Report has undergone external verification and was submitted for the GRI Materiality Disclosures Service. The content of the Report is determined by using the GRI Standards methodology and the principles for determining the content and quality of the report.
EY company was engaged to conduct an independent verification of the KMG Sustainability Report. EY independent assurance report is available in the full version of the Report.
Since 2006, KMG has been a member and active participant of the UN Global Compact (hereinafter – UNGC) and adheres to ten UNGC principles and 17 Sustainable Development Goals (hereinafter – SDG).
Annual Sustainability Report of the Company reflects our communication on Progress under the United Nations Global Compact and is available through the link.
The Report sections graphically indicate the SDGs for which the Company is taking measures to achieve and implement them. Integrating SDGs with the reporting data will make it possible to assess more effectively the progress in achieving the SDG objectives and focus efforts on improvement of Company’s performance in implementing the principles of sustainable development.
GRI Standards Content Index is avalable through the link: