About Report
JSC NC KazMunayGas (hereinafter – KMG) has been preparing reports on its sustainable development activities on an annual basis since 2008, and since 2012 has been publishing reports in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI).
In order to provide clarity and transparency to its stakeholders, KMG annually highlights its approach to sustainable development and social, economic and environmental responsibility.
This Report has been prepared in accordance with Global Reporting Initiative Sustainability Reporting Standards, as well as GRI 11: Oil and Gas Sector 2021.
Selection of the external verifier of KMG Report is made on the basis of the Procedure for Procurement by Joint Stock Company “Sovereign Wealth Fund “Samruk-Kazyna (https://online.zakon.kz/Document/?doc_id=39101813), and on the basis of the Tender Procurement Decision by means of competitive negotiations. As a result of the selection procedure for procurement of services for 2021–2025, held on May 12, 2021, KMG and Ernst & Young Advisory LLP entered into a contract for the procurement of services for verification of the Report, prepared in accordance with GRI international standards. Auditor’s Report is presented on page 168 of this Report.
The Report provides consolidated information on KMG and its subsidiaries and affiliates for the calendar year 2022 (referred to in the Report as KMG, Company, Group of Companies).
The Report boundary covers KMG’s subsidiaries and affiliates in which fifty or more percent of the voting shares (participatory interests) are directly or indirectly owned by KMG on the right of ownership or trust management, as well as legal entities, whose activities KMG is entitled to control (a detailed description of the reporting boundary by sections is provided in Annex 1 to the Report).
The Company’s financial and operational results are presented using consolidated Company data with organisational support from the respective Company units. In preparing this Report, the management and audited financial statements of KMG were used, which were prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting standards and are published annually, along with non-financial information.
For more information about the process of preparing the Report, identifying material topics and interacting with stakeholders, see the section “Sustainable Development Management”.
Information about the positive and negative impact of the Company is disclosed in more detail in the relevant sections of the Report.
To enable comparison and comparability of indicator data, information is presented over several years.
KMG Sustainability Report is endorsed by the resolution of the KMG Board of Directors and communicated to stakeholders through publication on the corporate website and distribution of a printed version.
KMG sustainability reports are available in electronic format in the State, Russian and English languages on KMG website: https://www.kmg.kz/en/investors/

Principles of the UN Global Compact
Human rights |
Principle 1 |
The business community should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights. |
Principle 2 |
The business community should not be involved in human rights violations. |
Labor relations |
Principle 3 |
The business community should support freedom of association and the real recognition of the right to conclude collective agreements. |
Principle 4 |
The business community should advocate for the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labor. |
Principle 5 |
The business community should advocate for the complete eradication of child labor. |
Principle 6 |
The business community should advocate for the elimination of discrimination in labor and employment. |
Environment |
Principle 7 |
The business community should support a precautionary approach to environmental issues. |
Principle 8 |
The business community should take initiatives aimed at increasing responsibility for the state of the environment. |
Principle 9 |
The business community should promote the development and dissemination of environmentally sound technologies. |
Anti-corruption |
Principle 10 |
The business community should resist all forms of corruption, including extortion and bribery. |

Since 2006, KMG has been a member and an active participant in the UN GC and supports the commitment to the ten principles of the UN GC and the 17 SDGs.
The Company’s annual Sustainability Report is our report on progress under the UN Global Compact https://www.unglobalcompact.org/what-is-gc/participants/6810