Material Topics of the Report
List of Material Topics

The Report’s material topics disclose information on the Company’s most significant impacts on the economy, environment and people, including impacts on human rights, and how these impacts are managed. The process of identifying material topics is based on continuous identification and impact assessment involving relevant stakeholders, with HSESC members being informed on material topics to be disclosed in the Report.
To assess and disclose material topics in the Report, the online survey based on the Google Forms platform was prepared, data from both external and internal stakeholders was analyzed. More than 150 respondents took part in the survey.
The survey identified 12 of the 20 industry topics of GRI 11: Oil and Gas Sector 2021 as significant. In total, 19 GRI standards were disclosed in the Sustainability Report 2023. In 2022, the Report disclosed 22 topics:
- Company Strategy and Key Results
- Sustainable Development Management