Economic Performance

Principle 10. Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.

The Company is committed to ensuring sustainable economic activity. Achieving financial and operational performance, strategic and business planning of the Company consider the principles of sustainable development. KMG annually makes a significant contribution to increasing the social and economic potential of the country and to the development of the regions where it operates.

The preparation and approval of the consolidated and separate Development Plan and the Budget of KMG is regulated by the Rules for Preparation, Approval, Adjustment and Monitoring of KMG’s Development Plan. The Consolidated Business Plan includes the plans of SDEs for a 5-year period and is regulated by the Rules for Development, Coordination, Approval and Monitoring of Business Plans and Budgets of KMG SDEs. KMG’s Development Plan and Budget are prepared in the automated planning system in accordance with the requirements of KMG’s approved corporate accounting policy and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).

To analyse the achievement of strategic goals, KMG monitors the implementation of Business Plans on the basis of monthly, quarterly and annual management reports.

The Company’s net profit was KZT 924 billion in the reporting period.

Furthermore, as one of the largest taxpayers in the geography of operation, KMG makes its contribution to the national budget in form of taxes and other payments. In 2023, the Company paid KZT 1,162 billion in taxes and other obligatory payments to the budget.

The Company also employs over 49 thousand people, providing them with steady remunerations along with social assistance for them and their families. In 2023, the Company paid KZT 79 billion of social and pension contributions for its employees.

Participation in domestic manufacturer support programmes and increasing the local content in procurements remain the KMG’s priorities. At the end of 2023, the total volume of goods, works and services procured by KMG Group was KZT 2,186 billion. The local content share in procurement was 77 %.

The below economic performance figures provide a picture of the Company’s contribution to the national economy.