About the Company’s Contribution to Achieving the SDGs
KMG’s approach to sustainable development issues is based on the alignment of the Company’s interests and plans with the basic principles of the United Nations, universal human values, global trends and priorities of Kazakhstan’s development. The Company adheres to all 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals. Based on KMG’s strategic goals, the Company has identified 10 UN Sustainable Development Goals and 24 targets as priorities.
The goals and objectives align with strategic and business initiatives implemented in KMG.
Their implementation determines the Company’s contribution to achievement of the UN’s global Sustainable Development Goals.
Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals in KMG
Priority Targets |
KMG’s Contribution |
Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages |
3.6. Reduce the number of deaths and injuries from road traffic accidents |
Travel Management Project In order to improve transport safety and create a culture of safe driving, a phased replication of the project for the introduction of an automated vehicle monitoring system “Travel Management“ in SDEs, which account for the largest number of vehicles of KMG Group, is planned for the period from 2023 to 2025. Result The following work has been carried out as part of the replication:
Road traffic accident frontal collision simulator (convincer) In order to raise awareness among employees of KMG subsidiaries and dependent entities of the need to use seat belts, KMG Group purchased 3 convincers (KTO, OMG, OTC). Result As part of the “Stop Road Traffic Accident“ campaign in 2023, a practical demonstration of the convincer was conducted with the involvement of employees of other KMG subsidiaries and dependent entities, in which 7,783 employees of KMG subsidiaries and dependent entities participated. 1,451 employees of subsidiaries and dependent entities and 454 employees of contractors were trained in Defensive Driving in accordance with RoSPA International Standards. |
3.8. Achieve universal health coverage, including financial risk protection, access to quality essential health-care services and access to safe, effective, quality and affordable essential medicines and vaccines for all |
Staff wellness programme A staff wellness programme is being developed for 2024–2028 and the main areas of focus are: an information system that will ensure control and monitoring of employees with chronic diseases, production personnel; introduction of comprehensive prevention programmes for chronic diseases; innovative methods of pre-shift examinations; reduction of personnel morbidity, improvement of accessibility and quality of medical care. Medical health insurance Medical examinations and immunisations for employees are carried out on a regular basis. Result 100 % of KMG’s employees are covered by the health insurance programme. |
3.9. Significantly reduce the number of deaths and illnesses from hazardous chemicals and air, water and soil pollution and contamination |
Leadership initiatives The Code of Leadership and Commitment of Employees on Compliance with Health, Safety and Environment Requirements is introduced and implemented. Qorgau Card A Programme is implemented to identify and report an unsafe condition / unsafe behaviour / unsafe act / hazard. |
Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls |
5.1. End all forms of discrimination against all women and girls everywhere
KMG strictly complies with the requirements and does not violate the RoK labour law, which states that no one may be subjected to any discrimination in exercise of their labour rights on the grounds of origin, social, official status and material position, gender, race, nationality, language, religious beliefs, convictions, place of residence, age, physical disability or affiliation with public associations. Competitive recruitment procedures have no restrictions on gender, age or other grounds. Uniform labour remuneration and the same conditions of social support are established for all. |
5.5. Ensure women’s full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision-making in political, economic and public life |
Increasing the share of women in the Board of Directors and Supervisory Boards of KMG Group to 20 % by December 2023 and 30 % by 2030. Promoting WEP’s, an initiative created by UN Women and the UN Global Compact. WEP’s (Women’s Empowerment Principles) are based on international labour and human rights standards and on the recognition that business has a stake in and responsibility for gender equality and women’s empowerment. As part of this initiative, it is planned to:
Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all. Improve the energy efficiency of production. Increase the share of available clean energy |
7.1. Ensure access to affordable, reliable and modern energy services |
The main strategic areas of energy saving and energy efficiency development in the Group are upgrading of process equipment, introducing energy saving technologies, optimising heating energy generation and consumption as well as developing own generation sources, including those using RES. Our initiatives: The 2031 Low-Carbon Development Programme has been approved and priority areas for action have been identified. To improve energy efficiency:
Targeted energy audit of process furnaces and boiler equipment KMG Group’s production assets (OMG, EMG, MMG and KBM) carried out a process audit of furnaces and boiler equipment. Based on the results of the work, additional actions to reduce the consumption of boiler and furnace fuel will be included in the Action Plans of the audited SDEs for the implementation of KMG’s 2022–2031 Low-Carbon Development Programme. Result This year, 8 measures have been implemented to prepare design and estimate documentation, as well as 52 LCDP activities, the estimated annual savings of fuel and energy resources of which amounted to 22,289 tonnes (716.6 thousand tonnes). GJ) (0.6 % of total energy consumption by the end of 2023), which is equivalent to a reduction in emissions by 45,054 tonnes of CO2. On 20 December 2023, the Management Board of KMG approved the Regulations on Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency Management in KMG Group. This Regulation is a mechanism for the implementation of KMG’s 2022–2031 Low-Carbon Development Programme and provides a framework for setting and analysing energy targets and energy objectives. Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) Production In September 2023, together with Air Astana and with the support of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, work began on a feasibility study of the market for sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) and the prospects for production in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Following a working meeting of the study participants held on 23-24 November 2023, SAF production technologies most promising for Kazakhstan were jointly identified. The next stages of the study will include a more detailed study of the selected SAF production technologies to determine the feasibility of SAF production for KMG, as well as a study of the regulatory and legal framework of the Republic of Kazakhstan for SAF production. The results of the feasibility study will be presented in the first half of 2024. |
7.b. Expand infrastructure and upgrade technology for supplying modern and sustainable energy services |
Development of RES projects: 1 GW wind power station with Total Eren; 120 MW hybrid power plant with Eni; green electricity purchase of at least 15 % by 2031; 10,000 I-REC green certificates were purchased in December 2023 to confirm electricity consumption from RES generation sources. Result 2031: 15 % – share of RES in KMG’s electricity mix; implementation of RES projects of at least 300 MW; hydrogen energy development in Kazakhstan; 100 % coverage of SDEs with energy management services. For more information, see the Low-Carbon Development Programme section. |
Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all |
8.5. Achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all women and men, including for young people and persons with disabilities, and equal pay for work of equal value |
KMG provides employment for over 49,000 people, including 81 % men and 19 % women. |
8.6. Significantly reduce the proportion of youth not in employment, education or training |
KMG Group implements programmes to develop and attract young specialists in production. Result Zhas Maman – a programme to attract and develop young specialists at Atyrau Refinery and Pavlodar Oil Chemistry Refinery. From 2022 to 2023, 31 people are studying and working at Atyrau Refinery, 7 of them are employed, and 1 person is employed at Pavlodar Oil Chemistry Refinery. Dual Training – a programme including training, probation and further employment in KMG Group. Thus, in the period from 2022 to 2023, 4 out of 99 people trained under this programme were employed at Embamunaigas; 17 out of 62 people were employed at Atyrau Refinery; 36 out of 53 people were employed at Pavlodar Oil Chemistry Refinery. Probationary Employee – a programme started in 3 professions: process plant operator, process pump and compressor operator, instrumentation and control technician. Probationary employees are trained and undergo on-the-job training at Atyrau Refinery. In the period from 2022 to 2023, 60 people are trained under this programme, 29 of them are employed. |
8.8. Protect labour rights and promote safe and secure working conditions for all workers |
Social support of KMG employees is provided in accordance with collective bargaining agreements and internal instruments of the employer. Collective bargaining agreements are in force in 24 entities of KMG Group. The social package of the entities includes more than 50 types of social benefits; today all terms and conditions of collective bargaining agreements and instruments are fully complied with in all KMG entities. |
Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation |
9.1. Develop quality, reliable, sustainable and resilient infrastructure, including regional and transborder infrastructure, to support economic development and human well-being, with a focus on affordable and equitable access for all |
KMG’s Digital Transformation Programme enhances scientific research and improves the technological capabilities of industrial sectors. KMG invests heavily in scientific research and build-up of local potential in this area. The development of domestic technological capacities for industrial diversification will also have a positive impact on the country’s climate. ABAI Information System Development Project involves centralising all KMG Group production information in a single database on a Big Data platform, as well as processing and analysing it using artificial intelligence and machine learning. ABAI Information System is 17 autonomous modules, each aimed at solving specific industrial problems. Result 6 ABAI modules (“Database“, “Map Builder“, “Downhole Pumping Equipment Selection“, “Selection and Analysis of Efficiency of Geological and Technical Activities“, “Process Mode“, “Production Planning and Monitoring“) were implemented. Achieved effects:
9.4. Upgrade infrastructure and retrofit industries to make them sustainable, with increased resource-use efficiency and greater adoption of clean and environmentally sound technologies and industrial processes |
The 2031 Low-Carbon Development Programme has been approved, and priority areas for energy efficiency improvement have been identified: optimisation of energy management and establishment of energy management services, introduction of automated systems for metering and management of fuel and energy resources, determination of the applicability of breakthrough projects at the assets of specific subsidiaries and dependent entities, introduction of best available techniques (BAT), update of the mechanical stock, optimisation and update of transport equipment. Result 2031: 100 % coverage of SDEs with energy management services; Reduction of energy intensity by 10 % versus 2019. |
Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable |
11.2. By 2030, provide access to safe, affordable, accessible and sustainable transport systems for all, improving road safety, notably by expanding public transport, with special attention to the needs of those in vulnerable situations, women, children, persons with disabilities and older persons |
KMG is working on the implementation of additional decarbonisation activities, including the introduction of carbon capture, storage and use technologies (CCUS), the launch of pilot projects on power stations, the implementation of forest climate projects, etc. In February 2023, the 2060 Low-Carbon Development Strategy of the Republic of Kazakhstan was adopted. One of the promising directions of decarbonisation of the transport sector is the development of electric vehicles. In addition, as part of the Low-Carbon Development Concept of Samruk-Kazyna JSC, all portfolio companies have a goal to gradually switch from petrol to electric vehicles. The Government welcomes all forms of cooperation, including corporate sector initiatives that contribute to the achievement of climate goals, KMG is considering the possibility of implementing a project to develop charging infrastructure for electric vehicles in Kazakhstan. |
11.6. By 2030, reduce the adverse per capita environmental impact of cities, including by paying special attention to air quality and municipal and other waste management |
Implementation of the best available techniques aimed at step-by-step reduction of negative environmental impact A number of KMG companies, which are among the 50 major polluters in terms of pollutant emissions in Kazakhstan, intend to develop an environmental efficiency improvement programme in 2024 based on the national sectoral BAT reference books, followed by obtaining a comprehensive environmental permit from the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Development of a programme to reduce pollutant emissions In order to reduce pollutant emissions, KMG Group plans to develop a programme to reduce pollutant emissions and set targets. Implementation of the World Bank Initiative “Zero Routine Flaring by 2030” KMG is a participant of the World Bank’s initiative to completely stop routine flaring of associated petroleum gas by 2030. As part of the above initiative, the Company is guided by the KMG Emissions Management Policy aimed at zero routine flaring by 2030. Creation of a “green belt“ – greening projects Atyrau Refinery will plant 10,000 trees over three years as part of the Memorandum of Cooperation on Greening Atyrau City signed between Atyrau Region Akimat and KMG during an environmental conference on 5 June 2023. Result
Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns |
12.4. Achieve the environmentally sound management of chemicals and all wastes throughout their life cycle, in accordance with agreed international frameworks, and significantly reduce their release to air, water and soil in order to minimize their adverse impacts on human health and the environment |
Water Management Programme A long-term Water Management Programme for KMG Group has been developed in order to set targets for reducing water withdrawal and increasing water reuse. TAZALYQ Atyrau Refinery is actively implementing TAZALYQ, a large-scale environmental project, to improve the environment. Historically Accumulated Oil Waste Disposal Programme Implementation of a programme to dispose of historically accumulated oil waste and oil-contaminated lands. |
12.5. By 2030, substantially reduce waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse |
Result Disposal of historical oil waste: 3.2 million tonnes of oil waste recovered in 2018–2023. |
12.6. РEncourage companies, especially large and transnational companies, to adopt sustainable practices and to integrate sustainability information into their reporting cycle |
Carbon Disclosure Project The Company calculates the water footprint and posts a Water Safety Questionnaire on the Carbon Disclosure Project platform. Green Office The corporate green direction is being actively developed and green office principles, such as the introduction of separate waste collection, water and energy saving in office premises, are being gradually introduced. Result As part of our green office implementation and to reduce plastic and metal waste generation, a recycling kiosk was installed on the ground floor of our office. During the entire period, 18,741 plastic bottles and 3,619 aluminium bottles were handed in using the recycling kiosk in the Izumrudny Kvartal BC. CDP 2022 Water Safety Questionnaire was published. |
Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts |
13.2. Integrate climate change activities into national policies, strategies and planning |
Reducing methane emissions A Memorandum was concluded with Carbon Limits (a world leader in methane leak management). As part of the Roadmap to the Memorandum, KMG specialists were trained in methane leak management, and a demonstration of the LDAR methane leak detection and repair programme is planned for 2024. In addition, in order to reduce and mitigate methane emissions, the Company signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with Tetra Tech ES, Inc. implementing the USAID-funded Central Asia Energy Project (PCA). KMG signed an agreement with Baker Hughes Services Kazakhstan LLP in December 2023 to cooperate on the implementation of low-carbon projects, including the implementation of projects to monitor and repair methane leaks and reduce routine flaring. Joining OGMP 2.0 The Company joined the UNEP OGMP 2.0 methane initiative, which involves setting its own methane emission reduction target and reporting methane emissions to UNEP. Joining the Oil and Gas Decarbonisation Charter The Company joined this Initiative at the Climate Change Conference of Parties (COP-28). Forest Climate Projects A 2,000 ha area has been identified in Pavlodar Region and the potential for greenhouse gas uptake is being assessed RESULT
13.3. Improve education, awareness-raising and human and institutional capacity on climate change mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction and early warning |
Concept of Internal Carbon Pricing In order to implement planning and ensure activities to reduce the carbon footprint of subsidiaries and dependent entities, as well as to fully take into account the impact of carbon regulation on financial and economic indicators, internal carbon pricing mechanisms have been developed. Currently, work is underway to integrate them into the business processes of KMG Group. CDP The company Calculates its carbon footprint and posts a Climate Questionnaire on the CDP platform. According to the Oil and Gas Benchmark ranking from the World Benchmarking Alliance, based on the assessment of low-carbon transition and performance on social indicators, KMG is ranked 37th among 100 key oil and gas companies in the world in 2023, up from 77th place in 2022. Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) Climate-related risk disclosure in accordance with recommendations of Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). Expanding the coverage of greenhouse gas emissions reporting In order to improve reporting on greenhouse gases and improve the greenhouse gas emissions management system for KMG Group, work was carried out to inventory indirect greenhouse gas emissions of Scope 3 by 12 categories, and a methodology for collecting information was developed for its subsequent implementation into the Methodology for Monitoring and Reporting of KMG’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Result A corporate methodology for quantitative assessment of greenhouse gas emissions was introduced. A methodology for calculating greenhouse gas emissions by Scope is being developed. |
Protecting and restoring terrestrial ecosystems and promoting their sustainable use, sustainable forest management, combating desertification, halting and reversing land degradation and halting biodiversity loss |
15.3.Combat desertification, restore degraded land and soil, including land affected by desertification, drought and floods, and strive to achieve a land degradation-neutral world |
KMG implements projects and actions aimed at reducing pollutant discharges and reducing water withdrawal from natural sources. Carbon Disclosure Project The Company calculates the water footprint and posts a Water Safety Questionnaire on the CDP platform. A Water Resources Management Programme is being developed for KMG Group. TAZALYQ Atyrau Refinery is actively implementing TAZALYQ, a large-scale environmental project, to improve the environment of Atyrau. Desalination Plants Construction The desalination plant is a unique project in addressing the issue of water supply in Mangystau Region. The plant will release at least 6.2 mln m3 of Volga water per year for development of the region. The desalination plant near the Kenderli recreation area in Mangystau Region.The estimated capacity will be 50 thous. m3 of water per day. Land Restoration The Company is working on recovery of historical oil waste and clean-up of oil-contaminated lands. RESULT TAZALYQ: the Reconstruction of Mechanical Treatment Facilities (closed type MTF) project is nearing completion at Atyrau Refinery. Currently, implementation of the 1st stage of the project has been completed and construction of the 2nd stage of the project is being completed. The Reconstruction of Regulatory Treated Effluent Canal and Reclamation of Atyrau Refinery Evaporation Fields project is being implemented. The evaporation fields are divided into 4 sectors, which are being rehabilitated in stages. Sectors 1 and 2 are fully drained and rehabilitated. A pipeline was installed in place of the existing open canal, which was used to discharge Atyrau Refinery wastewater to the Atyrau Refinery evaporation fields. |
15.5. Take urgent and significant action to reduce the degradation of natural habitats, halt the loss of biodiversity, and protect and prevent the extinction of threatened species |
Forest Climate Projects As part of KMG’s 2031 Low-Carbon Development Programme, it is planned to implement forest climate projects that will have a beneficial effect on the conservation of terrestrial ecosystems. Hierarchy of Biodiversity Mitigation Activities The Company applies a hierarchy of biodiversity impact mitigation activities when planning and implementing its operations based on four key actions: prevention, minimisation, restoration and compensation of potential significant direct impacts. Biodiversity Conservation Programme Development of a Biodiversity Conservation Programme including targets and timelines related to biodiversity conservation, cooperation with local or international conservation organisations on biodiversity conservation issues. Result A 2,000 ha area has been identified in Pavlodar Region and the potential for greenhouse gas uptake is being assessed |
Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalise the global partnership for sustainable development |
17.1. Strengthen domestic resource mobilization, including through international support to developing countries, to improve domestic capacity for tax and other revenue collection |
KMG discloses tax information in accordance with the GRI standard and the Country by Country OECD Action 13 initiative. Payments to States The Company provides information in the Report on Payments to States on an annual basis for the following types of payments:
All taxes other than mineral extraction tax.
Mineral extraction tax is a mandatory payment by a subsoil user separately for each type of extracted minerals, oil, underground water and therapeutic mud. The object of the mineral extraction tax is the physical volume of crude oil, gas condensate and natural gas extracted by a subsoil user during the tax period.
Subscription bonus is a one-time fixed payment of a subsoil user for acquisition of the subsoil use right in the contractual territory (subsoil plot), as well as in case of expansion of the contractual territory (subsoil plot) in accordance with the procedure determined by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Other payments comprise all other payments to States, including export customs duty. RESULT KMG follows the best international practices in increasing transparency in payments to the state, strengthening the responsibility of extractive companies in matters of revenues from the sector, and raising public awareness of the company’s activities in the regions. |
17.16. Enhance the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development, complemented by multi-stakeholder partnerships that mobilize and share knowledge, expertise, technology and financial resources, to support the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals in all countries, in particular developing countries |
In order to implement the UN SDGs, KMG actively cooperates with industry companies, international agencies and is a participant in intergovernmental organisations in the field of energy saving, labour and environmental protection, combating climate change, reducing emissions, as well as promoting green energy and other similar areas. |
17.17. Encourage and promote effective public, public-private and civil society partnerships, building on the experience and resourcing strategies of partnerships |
- Company Strategy and Key Results
- Sustainable Development Management