Respect for Human Rights and Social Assistance
The Company is committed to internationally recognized human rights as enshrined in the International Human Rights Bill, ILO Standards at Work and strives to implement the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
KMG strictly complies with the requirements and does not violate the RoK labour law, which states that no one may be subjected to any discrimination in exercise of their labour rights on the grounds of origin, social, official status and material position, gender, race, nationality, language, religious beliefs, convictions, place of residence, age, physical disability or affiliation with public associations.
We do not use child labour or forced labour, we acknowledge the equal rights of all employees, irrespective of their race, religion and gender.
No facts of discrimination were recorded in the reporting period.
In 2022, the Board of Directors of KMG approved the Human Rights and Public Relations Policy. More detailed information on the Policy is available on KMG’s website:
In the field of human rights, we make the following commitments:
- respect human rights in accordance with international standards;
- adopt programs to address the impacts on human rights in the industry, with the approval of the top management of KMG and SDEs;
- monitor the impacts on human rights and report thereof;
- comply with the mechanisms adopted by KMG for handling complaints and claims;
- provide indemnities and remedies to eliminate or mitigate negative impacts;
- exercise due diligence in relation to human rights by monitoring the impacts on human rights and reporting thereof;
- provide our employees with remedies to eliminate negative impacts;
- disclose KMG’s expectations of personnel and third parties with respect to human rights.
- Our Management Approach
- Employment
- Personnel Development
- Equal Opportunities and Personnel Motivation
- Respect for Human Rights and Social Assistance
- Our Communities